Patchwork Student Journal

  • Patchwork No. 10
    We are pleased to announce the publication of the tenth issue of Patchwork Student Journal. It is a conference edition, based on some of the ideas presented at Anglophonia, the International Student Conference in English Studies, in May of 2023. First, Mirko Šešlak’s paper observes Philip K. Dick’s Ubik through the lens of possible worlds theory, focusing on… Read more: Patchwork No. 10


We are pleased to announce that the Call for Papers for the 2024 issue of Patchwork student journal is now open!

We invite all students to submit their papers. The papers can be on any topic regarding English literature and culture, linguistics, translation studies and TEFL.

Please find attached the Call for Papers with instructions for authors.

The deadline for the submission of papers is 24 June 2024.

Instructions for authors

All the papers are submitted in the .doc or .docx format to the Patchwork e-mail The journal accepts scientific papers or reviews. We do not accept papers published in other journals.

Paper should be written in English and not exceed 5,000 words (including abstract, key words, notes and references).
Each paper should contain the following:
Author’s full name, name of the institution, e-mail address.
Abstract (200-300 words) and key words (max. 6).

Please use the font Times New Roman, 12 Pt., double-spaced.
Use 14 pt. for the title and 10 pt. for footnotes, captions, tables, illustrations and other document elements that are not part of the manuscript.

Paper should be formatted in MLA style. We advise all authors to consult the MLA guidelines before submitting their papers. You can access the guidelines via the button below:

The papers accepted for publication by the Editorial Board will be peer reviewed. By submitting a manuscript, the author agrees that the copyright for the paper is transferred to the publisher if the article is accepted for publication.