Patchwork Student Journal

Patchwork No. 9

We are pleased to announce the publication of the ninth issue of Patchwork Student Journal. It is the second of two issues titled Spaces in Between, both of which focus on interdisciplinary works, as well as works on intertextuality, transtextuality and intermediality. As explorations of the junctures of various arts and disciplines, these issues are especially interested in concepts such as “borders”, “liminality”, and “ambiguity”: in identifying and analyzing references to Lolita in the post #MeToo novel My Dark Vanessa, Bikić uses an intertextual approach to illustrate shifting cultural boundaries and power dynamics, as well as the obscure yet unrelenting effects of trauma; Surjan’s reading of Light in August highlights the semipermeable and contingent nature of purportedly absolute and biological categories such as race; Keserović’s interpretation of the supernatural elements in Coleridge’s demonic poems explores the poet’s idea of imagination as the subject’s attitude to reality, both natural and supernatural; finally, Francišković offers an overview of the many ways social boundaries, such as exclusion based on racial prejudices, are unconsciously and arbitrarily constructed, as seen in The Lonely Londoners.

We hope that you will enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed creating it.

The Editors