Patchwork Student Journal

Patchwork No. 8

We are pleased to announce the publication of the eighth issue of Patchwork Student Journal. It is the first of two issues titled Spaces in Between, both of which focus on interdisciplinary works, as well as works on intertextuality, transtextuality and intermediality. As explorations of the junctures of various arts and disciplines, these issues are especially interested in concepts such as “borders”, “liminality”, and “ambiguity”: Stanko’s paper describes both the literal pushing of borders in 19th century North America and the permeable borders between the empirical world, the discursive worlds of literature and academia, and the virtual one of Red Dead Redemption 2; Krčan’s reading of Winterson’s work offers an optimistic approach to the increasingly hazy distinction between human and artificial intelligence through the inherently ambiguous, simultaneously human and superhuman nature of narratives; analyzing Hogg’s novel, Čatlaić identifies its many liminal and uncanny aspects which were to become so characteristic of later Gothic fiction, pointing to the text’s own intermediate, transitional status; finally, Finocchiaro’s reinterpretation of Zone One through the lens of Derridean deconstruction introduces a productive ambiguity into a seemingly overdetermined world of capitalist realism.

We hope that you will enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed creating it.

The Editors